Counseling Psychologist | Scholar | Advocate
​External Funding *Total Approved & Pending Funding: $1,753,045
Wilkins-Yel, K.G. (Principal Investigator). (07/31/2018-06/30/2021)
Collaborative Research. CW III: Intersectional Perspectives on Associations Between Perceived Supports & Underrepresented Minority Women’s Persistence in STEM Doctoral Programs. National Science Foundation (NSF), EHR Core Research Program (Collaborative Research Proposal with Jennifer Bekki (PI), Bianca Bernstein, & Ashley Randall). Total grant award, $246,526.00. Abstract
Wilkins-Yel. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2017-2018)
Lilly Counseling Initiative - Shoals Community School Corporation, Lily Endowment Incorporated. Funded. $18,074
Wilkins-Yel. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2017-2018)
Lilly Counseling Initiative - Bloomfield School District, Lily Endowment Incorporated. $18,699
Wilkins-Yel. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2017-2018)
Lilly Counseling Initiative - Mooresville Consolidated School Corporation (MCSC), Lily Endowment Incorporated. $18,699
Wilkins-Yel. (Co-Principal Investigator) (2017-2018)
Lilly Counseling Initiative - Ben Davis High School, Lily Endowment Incorporated. $10,000
​Internal Funding
Wilkins-Yel, K.G. (Principal Investigator). (2018-2019)
I CAN PERSIST STEM Initiative: Promoting Academic Persistence Among Women of Color in STEM. Women's Philanthropy Leadership Council. $17,558.
Wilkins-Yel, K.G. (Principal Investigator). (2017-2019)
It Takes a Village: Advancing STEM Persistence Among Women of Color Through the Development of a Comprehensive Initiative. Indiana University Proffitt Grant. $22,313.
Wilkins-Yel, K.G. (Principal Investigator). (2018-2019).
Current: Understanding Counterspaces as an Avenue to Advance STEM Persistence Among Women of Color. Indiana University Center for Excellence in Women in Technology. $2,000.